English: People.json ... a sample data from full JSON file used in this article. You can download it from here. (https://github.com/triAGENS/ArangoDB-Data/tree/master/RandomUsers) app.js ... a JS file located at not Express but Foxx app fo…
English: This is very first step guide for using Knockout(+ko.punches plugin) on Node+Express. You have to have a environment of Yeoman. In this case I write JavaScript file with TypeScript style. "yo express" (view engine is EJS) Put a ne…
English: I sometimes tweet about ArangoDB but often forget them soon. Here is archive of them for me. Japanese: ツイッターでたまにArangoDBに関することをメモ代わりにツイートするのですが、すぐに忘れてしまうのでここにまとめておきます。 *Arang…
English: I found out it and posted on Gist how to use your favorite JS libraries on ArangoDB's Foxx. Maybe you can use any npm library on Foxx if you install them to the ArangoDB's server folder. Japanese: ArangoDBのFoxx環境で好きなJavaScr…
EmptyテンプレートからASP.NET Web APIを使えるようにするまでの最低限必要なコード。(Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web) App_Start\WebApiConfig.cs (一部抜粋) public static class WebApiConfig { public static void Register(HttpConfiguration conf…
対象読者: JavaScriptで綺麗に継承を書きたい方。プロトタイプやプロトタイプチェーンがある程度わかる方。JavaScriptの継承はいつもこんな感じで書きます。 __proto__を直接書き換えているので、IEは11以上じゃないと動きません。Firefox、Chrome、Safariは…